
Corn flakes with banana

Yes, I am hypocritical, for here I sit writing my first blog when I have openly declared my reservations about them. Nothing against those who blog, but for the record, I'd like to state that I am against blogs because now, you can, without any personal contact with our family, find out what is going on with us. Somehow that does not seem right to me. You used to have to make an effort to know what was going on with someone. Now, you can carry on a complete conversation with someone without even hearing their voice. I feel like you should not be privileged enough to know, for example, what I ate for breakfast, unless you contact me personally and ask. Anyway, may we not let this blog come between us. The only reason I am here is because I have always been inclined to write when something gets me going. Now, if I am miffed about something in this world I can have an outlet. Something to send out into space for NO ONE SPECIFIC to read. Because I care enough to contact you personally, I promise.


Sir Vance-a-lot said...

Welcome to the bloggy-thingy.

michellenotdawn said...

It's a nice bloggy-thingy...we're all friends here...