
Our Fall Break

We've been at my parent's lake house for the last three days.  It has been wonderful to be away from the daily grind and enjoy the beautiful weather.  My arms are sore from playing tether ball against Jimmy.  It is a hilarious event.  He makes me laugh so hard I can't hit the ball.  I love my man.

I have been taking lots of pictures because every other minute is a photo op here.  From swimming to swinging to pinball to sailing to cute kids I have been enjoying capturing the fun.  Cash only allowed me to photograph him in the bubble bath if I promised to put it on the blog.  So the following photos are narrated by Cash Alley.

Enjoy!  Here's Cash...

We sailed twice.  It tipped to the side a little bit but not that much.  It was fun.

Jackson was doing a project for school.  I got to ride a bike to go pick oranges for the project.

Here's Ju-Ju.  She's drinking caffeine.

Now she's super hyper.  She's just like Jackson.

Well, now she's asleep.

This is me taking a bubble bath.  I like taking bubble baths.

This is Libby and Penelope listening to books on tape.  They have to be quiet because Juliet is asleep.

Here is Libby, Walker, Penelope, and Dad on the swing.  They are swinging really high.  I mean  reeeeeeally high.

Juliet is going to read to mom.  She is reading Cat in the Hat.

They are doing puzzles.  This is the last piece on this puzzle.

Thank you for reading this blog.  Bye-Bye!


Soosinmm said...

Wow, Cash!! Great job telling the story of the pictures! I can't wait to see you all at the lake at Christmas time!
Aunt Susan =)

Soosinmm said...

Wow Cash!! Great job telling the story of the pictures! I can't wait to see you all at the lake at Christmas time!
Love, Aunt Susan